Disabling Lent: An Anti-Ableist Lenten Devotional
Listen to or read this Ash Wednesday devotional from the Rev. Letiah Fraser. Letiah is a person with a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy who confesses her struggle to get over her internalized ableism.
Take some time to reflect on these images which were posted on Twitter by disabled persons with the hashtag #disabledjoy
Which image speaks to you? (Don't just pick one that you like.) Open it and spend some time meditating on it.
What do you see? What do you feel? What does it remind you of?
A Zen garden, also known as a Japanese dry garden, is a tool for contemplation whereby the participant can manipulate a small environment and ponder existence. While it's natural to crave control of our circumstances and bodies, disability can be one experience that reminds us that control is fleeting. How have you craved or relinquished control?
Even as our bodies are finite expressions of Godself, we strive for reconciliation with our bodies and the body of the Christ. As you ponder the meandering path of a labyrinth, think about a situation in your life or in the world in which you desire reconciliation. How has the unpredictable work of the Holy Spirit made headway on this path?
Take some time and listen, reflect, and rest as you listen to the music performed and composed by our very own, Robin Jellis. How does the music make you feel? What does it make you think?
"Imagine the body of God" by Rebekah Anderson
Reflect on the diversity of bodies that make up all of humanity. How does this impact the capacity of our imagination about who God is?