Your gift makes a world of difference.

Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
We happen to think there's a lot of truth to that.

Of course, there are many ways to give of oneself: of our time, of our passions, of our love, of our resources... All of these are valuable and important. God's work is accomplished when together we commit ourselves and our resources, living lives of generosity.

In a world largely defined by consumption, accumulation of material things, and greed, financial giving can be an important spiritual practice — a means of expressing gratitude to God while enabling life-changing ministry.

Please take a minute to make an online gift — either a one-time gift or a monthly gift. We appreciate your support.

stewardship  •  Make a commitment.

The invitation to practice faithful stewardship is an invitation to express gratitude for all that God has given us, to acknowledge that every blessing we have received is a gift from God, and then to commit ourselves fully – through our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.


.Practicing faithful stewardship means saying "Yes!" to God and "Yes!" to the ministry and mission of HopeGateWay. It's a way of living that invites each of us to profound gratitude for all of God's gifts, and a posture of generosity in our living and our giving.

View our 2023 Stewardship materials

Gifts and Talents

Are you looking for a way to serve? 

Filling out our Gifts and Talents survey will help HopeGateWay staff

know you better and link you to upcoming events and needs.