Read about what's going on in our HopeGateWay Community Newsletter March 20, 2025.
Sundays at 10am EST
In person at 515 Woodford St in Portland, Maine
& on Zoom
Dial in audio: 1.929.205.6099
Meeting ID: 533 469 2118
Sermon Series: The Upside Down Kingdom
During this era, with the rise of Christian Nationalism in our country, we are going to spend the next few months looking at the actual teachings of Jesus and the overarching theme of all of his teachings: The Kingdom of God. This Upside-down Kingdom is already among us, Jesus says — but also something we aspire to — and it stands in contrast to the destructive aims of Christian Nationalism. The Sermon on the Mount is one of Jesus' stump speeches. It's packed full of hard teachings about how we should care for the vulnerable and how we find hope in the most challenging of times. If you want to get the heartbeat of Jesus — to see how he understood reality and envisioned faithful living for his followers — there's no better place to turn. As we explore the Upside Down Kingdom over the coming weeks, we hope these teachings will help us live with integrity as we seek a different way of caring for one another that demonstrates the belovedness and worthiness of each and every person with a preferential option for those with less power and privilege. Come join us on the journey.
The Bible Project has provided inspiration and resources for this series. You can check out their intro video to The Sermon on the Mount.
Lenten Small Groups • No Prep / Drop In
During the upcoming Season of Lent, we will continue our journey through the Sermon on the Mount, exploring what it means to live out the Upside-Down KinGdom that Jesus proclaimed. This coming Sunday, Lenten devotional booklets will be available for pick up, and links will be distributed. We made our own devotional this year, based around songs we have been singing in this series, a link to listen to the songs as you reflect on them each week, an invitation to sign up for Gateways (our daily reflection email), and a list of 40 activities as an invitation to bring beauty and kindness into our world.
During Lent there will be weekly small groups to reflect on and discuss the devotional materials through listening to a song, reflecting on a Gateways reading from the week, and sharing personal stories of how we have engaged the list of activities. There will be two options for joining a group:
- Tuesdays at 11 am, on Zoom with Christie • starting March 11
- Wednesdays at 6 pm, in person at 515 Woodford Street, with Sara • starting March 12
Sign up here for one or the other.
Pause & Reflect through the practice of Lectio Divina
Tuesdays • 10:00-10:30am on Zoom • Restarting March 18
In these days with a lot of troubling news swirling around and within us, taking a moment to simply pause, reflect, and be with others can be a gift. All are welcome to join Pastor Christie each Tuesday at 10 am via Zoom to do just that. We will center our time together around the practice of Lectio Divina, or sacred reading. We will read and reflect on either the text for the upcoming Sunday or a poem connected to the theme. This is not a “heady” study but a space to listen to the text, ponder it, and see what invitation is arising within you. This group will be on zoom and just 30 minutes. No prep needed. This is an open group — you can join any week.
Life After Doom
A Book Study with Wanda Stahl & Allen Ewing-Merrill
Mondays 6:30-8:00 pm (a combination of in-person and online sessions)
Join others from the HopeGateWay community for a 9-session study of Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart, by celebrated author Brian McLaren. As we wade more deeply into the realities of climate change, and as the instability of our systems and structures becomes more apparent, we are confronted with many possibilities for what the future may hold — and all those scenarios, to varying degrees, hold suffering and darkness as well as potential for healing and transformation. The work of holding these unknown worlds while actively working toward a better future can be lonely, especially when the scaffolding of our systems feels inadequate at best and actively harmful at worst. How do we look honestly at what is while envisioning a way forward for ourselves, our communities, and our world? Join us for the conversation.
- First Session: Monday, March 31 • 6:30-8:00 pm at HopeGateWay
- Online Sessions: Mondays, April 14, April 28, May 19, June 2, June 16, June 30, and July 14 • 6:30-8:00 pm
- Final Session: Monday, July 28 (tentative) • 6:30-8:00 pm • in person (location TBA)
If you're interested in participating, please sign up here. We encourage you to obtain your own copy of the book at your favorite bookstore. Please let Wanda or Allen know if you need assistance in locating a book.
Defend Trans Lives: A Webinar for People of Faith
March 25 or April 8 online
Calling pro-LGBTQ Christians and other people of faith! We are living in a terrifying time for trans people and our families, as a virulent anti-trans political movement led by Christian Nationalists is sweeping the United States and threatening trans lives.
Presented in partnership with Enfleshed, Soulforce, and Queer Theology, this trans-led webinar, offered twice, will equip Christians and other people of faith—leaders and lay—to understand what’s going on, become more familiar with the experiences and realities of trans people, and learn how you can advocate for trans rights and ensure that your church is a welcoming and safe space for trans people and our families in this moment.
Prior to the webinar, registrants will receive essential background info from trans faith leaders and national trans advocates from the Transgender Law Center, the National LGBTQ Task Force, the Human Rights Campaign, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, and more.
Speakers on the webinar include Rev. Mykal Slack, Alex Kapitan, and Teo Drake of the Transforming Hearts Collective, M Jade Kaiser of Enfleshed, Rev. Alba Onofrio of Soulforce, and legislative advocate Sam Ames of Threshold Strategies. Choose between two options.
Register for one or the other by clicking on the dates/times:
Tuesday March 25, 3:30-5pm Eastern
Tuesday April 8, 8:30-10pm Eastern
Maine Council of Churches Town Hall
Wednesday, March 26 • 4pm • Online • LGBTQ+
Join the Maine Council of Churches on Wednesday, March 26, at 4 pm, for the continuation of the second event in a series of online "town hall" gatherings to discuss ways Maine's communities of faith can be prepared to respond when vulnerable groups are targeted by the new administration. The series of town halls will focus specifically on effective strategies for 4 especially vulnerable groups: immigrants, LGBTQ folks, women seeking reproductive health care, and the environment.
This session on March 26 will continue the focus on effective strategies and responses to threats of harm for LGBTQ+ folks. Guest Speakers include: Revs. Kharma Amos, Amanda Gerken-Nelson and Tara Humphries, and Ophelia Hu-Kinney.
Registration for this free online event is required to receive the Zoom link. The event will not be recorded. Register here.
Intergenerational Game Day!
Saturday, April 5 • 3-5 pm
HopeGateWay is hosting an Intergenerational Game Afternoon on April 5 from 3-5pm! A time to be in community with one another and share in some laughs and joy, which we all need right now. All ages are invited to come play board games, cards, do creative activities and time to have fun in community! Bring your favorite games and snacks to share! Please email Christie with any questions.
Meditation & Conversation Small Group beginning Thursday, January 9
Second & Fourth Thursdays 7-8pm • 515 Woodford Street
Are you looking for a chance to ground yourself? A time to step away from the chaos of life? A chance to connect with God and others? Join Pastor Sara at 515 for 20 minutes of guided meditation and 40 minutes of conversation. Let's talk about the longing of our own souls, the questions we have, and our own experiences of the Divine. This is an open group — you can join any week.
Tai Chi Practice
Tuesdays at 10am • 515 Woodford St
You are invited to practice Tai Chi and Qigong at HopeGateWay, led by Bronwen and Francis. This practice encompasses beginners and those who have practiced before. Tai Chi and Qigong - described as meditation in motion - are ancient Chinese practices promoting physical, mental and spiritual well-being through soft flowing motion harmonized with the rhythms of breathing.
Classes are wide open, warm and welcoming for anyone interested. They run a little over an hour in length and people participate as their schedules allow. There is no fee; however, modest donations, based on whatever participants can afford, are welcomed.
If you are interested, please contact Bronwen so that you can be placed on an email list that is just used if class is cancelled for that day. Otherwise, classes are every Tuesday at 10 .m.
Facebook Livestream and on-demand video
Worship services are usually live-streamed and recorded on Facebook.
If you miss worship, you can always join us!
Gather and Grow with HopeGateWay Small Groups
HopeGateWay offers a number of small groups. Our Active Hope group and our three Murmuration groups meet monthly. Recovery groups meet weekly on most nights of the week. We're always planning ahead for our next book study, film or podcast discussion. If you're interested in being part of a small group or if you have an idea for either a short-term or longer-term small group, talk with Christie or email
Community Care: Caring for One Another
At HopeGateWay, we follow Jesus' invitation to "love one another as I have loved you." Sometimes we offer our gifts and support and at other times we find ourselves on the receiving end. This is community, the kind of community that we want to be, graciously giving and receiving. Currently, we are providing meals for two families and we are looking for drivers willing to give rides to one or two people before and after worship on Sunday mornings. Please contact our Care Coordinator if you'd be willing to help! If you need assistance with some home cooked meals, groceries, errands or a visit, please contact us as well!
Looking to serve in a new way in 2024?
Consider Volunteer Opportunities with Hope Acts!
Hope Acts is seeking new volunteers as housing mentors, English language program support, transportation needs, and more. Check Hope Acts' volunteer page for more information. If you prefer, please call the Hope Acts office at 207-274-6005 or 207-228-1140 to discuss volunteer opportunities. Contact Alice for the ASAP program, Sarah for HHELP and Martha for anything/everything else. Volunteering is an act of hope AND a gift of hope. Reach out today.
HopeGateWay Conversations and Sermon Podcasts
If you'd like to learn more about what's going on within our HopeGateWay community, simply connect to our podcast page. You will find our weekly sermon podcasts at the same link. We encourage you to stay connected; let us know if there's something you'd like to know about HopeGateWay. Art McClanahan puts his heart and soul into making these conversations come alive.
Gateways Daily Reflection
Gateways is a daily email offering inspiring words for your daily time with God from HopeGateWay. Each morning we send out a prayer, reflection, poem, or other thought-provoking work along with a question or observation to take with you into your day. If you would like to try adding this to your daily spiritual practice, please sign up and join us. Subscribe here.
Sing along with the HopeGateWay Virtual Choir
Do you ever have worship songs going through your mind long after worship? You can now sing along at home any day of the week! Kelly and the HopeGateWay Acapella Virtual Choir creates a new song recording for worship every week. So our library of songs is growing! You can listen at this link.
Thank you for your faithful Stewardship!
Your generosity fuels HopeGateWay's Micah 6:8 mission to "do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God." You can access all of the materials to make your pledge commitment for 2024 here. You may also make a one-time or recurring gift through our website or send a check to 515 Woodford Street Portland, ME 04103. We are grateful for your generous support of HopeGateWay's ministry and programs.
Grab a CLYNK Bag and Support HopeGateWay
Support the ministry and mission of HopeGateWay in a super easy way! Just pick up one of our Clynk bags in the green tote in our lobby, fill it with returnable bottles and cans, and return it to a Clynk collection site near Hannaford. If you have a personal Clynk account, you can also donate your balance to HopeGateWay!