The invitation to practice faithful stewardship is the invitation to take on the spiritual practice of gratitude — intentionally, prayerfully, approaching gratefulness as a spiritual practice, with hearts open to the transformative power of giving thanks. In the spirit of gratefulness, with open hearts and open hands, God invites each of us to commit ourselves fully to this ministry, through our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.
Our Future with Hope series reminds us that the message Jeremiah gave to the people in Exile, to "pray for the welfare of the city," is one that continues to speak to us today. We must pray and act for the welfare of our community near and far.
At our core, HopeGateWay is a community of reunion, homecoming, and return. Now more than ever, in a world full of exile, our congregation serves as a beacon of hope, welcome, and radical hospitality. We look forward to seeing all the ways that this will be embodied in our new space at 515 Woodford Street, beginning November 26, 2023!
We invite you to join us in giving thanks for all the resources — spiritual, theological, physical, and financial — that support this indispensable work. And we invite you to be a part of it - whether renewing your commitment, increasing your commitment or taking this step for the very first time. We are HopeGateWay together.
Download our 2024 Stewardship materials here:
Complete your commitment using the electronic form below!
My Stewardship Commitment for 2024